Tips to Attain Financial Freedom
Financial freedom - a mere and simple 2 words and yet a complete statement in itself. A vision dreamt by most yet achieved by few. Many people believe that there is a secret mantra or that you need to possess something godly and unique to achieve the same. The question is, "Is there any level of truth to that statement". Answer - a single syllable word NO. Like all other instances involving success, it just requires an out of the box thinking, commitment to it and hard work that shows itself. What exactly is Financial Freedom? In layman's language, financial freedom is the ability of someone to work or not depending on his/her wish and still be able to provide more than enough for their family. Going a little technical, it means the state wherein a person does not have to depend on an external source of income or employment and still be able to provide sufficient wealth for a smooth functioning of both themselves and their families. How to attain that freedom The term ...